Research Center for Fisheries Resources titlebar2
The ReCFR deals with stock assessments and studies on stock management, prediction of fishing conditions, and biological characteristics of commercially important small pelagic fish resources to ensure sustainable yields. This center includes three groups that conduct research toward this goal.

► The Stock Management Group conducts mathematical research on coastal, offshore and international fish stocks in cooperation with other fisheries research institutes of Japan. This group also deals with ecosystem modeling, spatial modeling, and improvement of fisheries management procedures.
► The Stock Survey Group conducts development of new survey method and practical system for stock assessment.
► The Fisheries Ecology Group studies ecological and physiological characteristics of commercial fish species to contribute to a precise stock assessment. This group also carries out stock assessments of yellow tail mackerel and other coastal fish resources.
► The Stock Assessment Group conducts stock assessments and studies mechanisms of population fluctuation for small pelagic fish species with a particular emphasis on sardines, anchovies, and mackerels. This research group estimates allowable biological catches (ABCs), which are required for fisheries management.
► The Coastal Fisheries and Ecosystem Group conducts the research on physiology, ecological resource evaluation, fishery management of organisms from offshore water in the Kuroshio Current region.
Yellowtail amberjacks (Seriola lalandi) attached with an archive tag on the dorsal part to investigate migration, feeding chronology, etc.
Estimation of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)using the Bayesian method.
Life history traits of Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus): its population size greatly influences its habitats, migration, and feeding grounds.
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